Last week, I went to a book store for some stationery needs. I stumbled upon a stack of RGV‘s recent book, Naa Ishtam. Thanks to the media coverage, I heard a lot of (good as well as bad) things about the book already. Serving my curiosity, I flipped a few pages in the store and decided to buy the book. One thing is uncertain at that time though: Is this book a work of fiction, biography, philosophy or light reading?
Once home, this book stayed bedside and helped me kill the longer minutes between almost back to back night meetings. I might have covered only 30% of the book so far (that is one good feature – this book is not a story, it is a collection of thoughts, by many people, across many chapters) yet developed a liking for it.
To summarize, the chapters authored by RGV are exactly like his movies: A few lines I like very much and few others I love to hate. The chapters by others provoked more thought: how a person is experienced by others around him at various stages of his life so far. Photos compiled in the book are a good treat for his movie lovers.
I will for sure try to get enough time to complete the rest of the book before the end of the year.
“na ishtam” is a good book as case study material … where ramu had reveled his memories either good or bad…
I am sure that majority of the people shall not be understanding the words of satyendra like me;
…will have to repeat again to understand it that might be the reason why ramu had not translated it…