When it comes to running discipline, events like 100 days of running (HDOR, for example)have been my favourite for the last 4 years. They help track my daily run/walk routine in a fun way and ensure that I don’t miss out on certain days.
In 2024, my participation in 100 days of running is very different. This year, I walked off the distance on more days than running. With hectic work schedules, attending some courses over the weekends and with personal routine adjustments, this season took a different turn. I took most walks while being on calls, with some of these calls starting very close to midnight. Some of those walks and runs barely meeting the cutoff time for the day.
One practice I have for 100 days of running events is to not repeat my running shirts for the entire season. This year’s event is no different. One can see the colourful spectrum of shirts in the gallery above.
In any 100 days event, I usually work on my endurance and variance. I run long distances (e.g. one half marathon every three weeks or a month) to build endurance. I normally use Fartleks, Intervals and other running patterns to maintain variance. This year’s 100 days are very far from those two goals.
In a nutshell, this year’s 100 days of running is a checkbox. I neither built endurance nor variance. However, it is still refreshing to know that I did run, walk or crawl every day to get to the minimum requirements.