The weekend

The weekend went past in a snap. We pretty much spent the whole time in Kompally, just arriving home to catch some sleep and take showers. Being busy with socializing, I couldn’t take many pictures.

Kids had a great time during the entire weekend. All their gang teamed up to play a lot of games, given that we have lot of vacant area in the Kompally garden. The guest house here is constructed in record 81 days, for hosting the wedding.

After a very long time, got a glimpse of cricket (for about 3 overs) on Sunday evening. The 3rd ODI between India and Srilanka.

Ritu’s wedding on Sunday night is well attended. Could meet a lot of people during the event. Due to absence of rains this weekend, there are no glitches in arrangements. All items served in dinner are very tasty. Since there is a maratorium on non-veg during marriage, there are several veg specialities. One that stands out is the biriyani made with pieces of raw jackfruit. Not a common item you would find in dinner menus.

It is about 2.00am on Monday by the time we came home and settled for sleep. Kids are tired a lot. Waking them up on Monday morning was a little tough.



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