Pi: Ready To Serve

I got hooked onto Raspberry Pi in recent weeks. Here are a few factors that contributed to this fanciness towards the device

  • Simplicity of the device
  • Ability to compile accessories from existing gear
  • Potential of the device to serve to a wide range of use cases
  • Ability to start simple and then dig deeper
  • Potential in Education
  • Low cost

As discussed in some of my tweets, the device I got a few months ago has been successfully running a blogging software that is used to test the resilience of the system while running automated tasks and a web server stack. More details on the stack later.

After being thoroughly impressed with the device, I ordered (from element14) a bunch of devices as spares and giveaways. Finally I got my hands on these devices and managed some time to unpack these.




I am compiling a series of notes to get these devices up and running. These notes help me in distributing these devices effectively and make them useful for the target audience. As a first batch, these devices are most likely to go to educational institutions that I frequently visit as a guest faculty.


1 thought on “Pi: Ready To Serve”

  1. Pingback: First bake of your Raspberry Pi | Raju Alluri's Personal Blog

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