As I indicated in one of the posts earlier this week, I had issues using the visual editor after upgrading to WordPress 3.1. I also noticed some other minor issues in the last few weeks, irrespective of the upgrade. All these problems are resolved once I forced my webserver (hosted on a known service provider) to use PHP5.
Here is the configuration I added to my .htaccess file at the root of the blog directory.
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php
After upgrading to PHP5, here are the issues that are fixed.
- Visual editor issues like icons not displaying are fixed now.
- Now I am able to purge even 500 spam comments in one single shot. Earlier, this used to take 2-3 iterations.
- Automated upgrade of plugins is lot smoother now. Earlier, plugin upgrades used to fail if they are long running.
Now the WordPress admin panel response is smooth and all the plugins/themes are up-to-date, with little or no effort.