SRKR Engineering Collge Visit

[Another backlog post from March 12th.]

Visited SRKR Engineering College on March 12th. This trip combined several activities at the college:

  • Meeting of Bhimavaram Open Solaris User Group and inviting new members.
  • Review of specification for new hardware that would install OpenSolaris in labs.
  • Guidance for summer projects in open source.

The OpenSolaris meet is attended by 3rd year students. Most of them have internal examinations that afternoon, so we did a very short meeting covering features of OpenSolaris. Since I don’t have my laptop with me in the conference room, I used just the slide deck and there are no interactive demo sessions. My next visit will for sure have more interactive sessions.

We also talked about potential summer projects in the areas of or using OpenSolaris, OpenJDK, Netbeans, Eclipse and others. Most ideas are around minor bug fixes, extensions and nightly builds using code management tools. We may soon have a couple of phone call sessions involving faculty.

I also reviewed the specifications of new hardware for installing OpenSolaris in the labs. All of them are PCs with good amount of RAM, descent CPU speed, nVidia graphics chips and AMD X64 processors.

Some photos here:


I left a copy of OpenSolaris Developer Preview at the college for them to try out.

0 thoughts on “SRKR Engineering Collge Visit”

  1. Govind Rao Josyula

    I just saw your website, blog. It is so nice. And thanks to Spurthi because it was through her site i discovered you. I worked in the industry for nearly 25 years and now I am a professor in an engineering college. I love teaching.

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