Digital Electric Meters

Yesterday AP Transco, the power distribution company, changed the electrical meters in our apartment complex in Hyderabad. The meters are HPL-SOCOMEC make. (Their website doesn’t feature the digital variants of these meters, but this one is the closest.)

All my life, I witnessed meters that just show the reading of consumption. With these meters, the additional features are very interesting. For example, the meter can provide these details:

  • Tamper Count
  • Cumulative Active Energy in KWH
  • Cumulative consumption for any of the last 6 months
  • Maximum demand in kW with time stamp for the last six months.

Also, using optical port and using meter reading software/BCS (available only with Transco staff) this meter promises to deliver load survey data for last 60 days. It would be interesting to see all this data for any household.

So, how long does it take for these meters to be “network enabled” by default and let you see your consumption online? Want to guess?

Are there any power distribution companies around the world that provide this kind of data to customers, on demand?

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