Generating MIB for a multi-instance module

I recently posted about the MIB generation for a Sun Management Center module. This post is in continuation with that article.

You can load multiple instances of certain modules into Sun Management Centrer Agent. For example, if you have multiple database instances running on the system, you may want to run one Sun Management Center module for monitoring or managing each instance of oracle.

If you have a module that is loaded as multiple instances, all those instances typically provide the same MIB, but with different contexts. However, when you use the agent interactive mode and use mibExport, you need to supply the module and one of its loaded instance as an argument. The command would look like

agent:demo> mibExport mydemo+myinst

where mydemo is the module name and myinst is one of the instances currently loaded into the agent. Once this operation is done, the MIB file is avaiable as /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/mydemo+myinst-mib.txt.

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